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ARC стоїть за Україну. Натисніть тут, щоб дізнатися більше про наші програми для українських студентів.

Staff members
Total students
Countries reached
What We Do

An all-accessible virtual math circle for students in grades 7-9.
Project ARC's one-on-one math tutoring program for students of all ages and levels.
A combination of math/Hebrew/English tutoring, enrichment, and complimentary classes in a number of subjects, all designed specifically for Ukrainian students after the devastating effects of the Russian invasion.
Registration How-to
Project ARC is a mathematical program designed to adapt to the needs of any interested student, school, or community center.

Advanced Mathematical Curriculum
Project ARC students explore a variety of exciting topics in mathematics, ranging from graph theory and logic to group theory, number theory, and the mechanics of a proof.
Committed Instructors
The Project ARC team consists of students with years of experience in math competitions, teaching, and research (our staff includes IMO and ISEF participants). Many of us plan to embark on a career in mathematics, and look forward to supporting other students interested in the subject.
Real-World Applications
Riemann students investigate the many ways in which mathematics can used to approach current critical issues, from mathematical modeling in the health sciences to economic inequality and the use of number theory in cryptography.
Our sessions are completely free and held both virtually and in-person to connect with local, long-distance, and international students.
Custom Sessions
The Project ARC team works with schools and students to design tutoring and enrichment sessions tailored to a class's interests, strengths, and areas for improvement.
Upcoming and
Recent Events
Riemann Final Project Presentations
ARC Mathemagic Show
All grades and programs welcome! We'll delve into the math behind mind-boggling feats of telepathy and topology---and settle in for an awesome show. Bring your own tricks or come to watch!
All-ARC Math Talk: Factoring Problems and the World's Coolest Cipher